Farewell kiss before murder (5 photos)

13 June 2024

In Brazil, they are looking for Julia Catermole, who killed her lover. In the last photo together, the woman holds the poisoned dessert and kisses the future victim.

Louis Ormond's neighbors called the police because of a foul smell coming from his apartment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The body was found in a state of deep decomposition.

An autopsy was unable to determine the cause of death, but chocolate was found in the digestive tract. Police believe Luis was poisoned by his girlfriend, Julia Catermole, who was seen with him in an elevator with a plate of brigadeiro, a traditional chocolate dessert.

The police arrested and took statements from Suyani Breshak, Julia's accomplice. He said the woman bought morphine tablets, crushed them and added them to sweets.

Ormond's body lay on the floor, surrounded by fans. Cattermole spent the weekend at the victim's apartment and was seen carrying suitcases on Monday morning.

The house's doorman reported that Louis "was under the influence of some kind of drug or drug." He added that Cattermole seemed "nervous" when he last saw her. She told him that her boyfriend was sick.

Officer Marcos Buss said: "This is an aberrant case because it shows the height of composure. Cattermole remained in the apartment with the corpse for three or four days. She slept next to the corpse, ate, even went down to the gym, where she worked out, and then returned again." to the dead man's apartment."

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