A Russian tourist in Thailand fell from a five-meter height on a moped and died (3 photos)

26 April 2024

The man's wife miraculously survived.

A resident of Moscow died in Thailand. This was reported by the SHOT Telegram channel. 40-year-old Pavel from Moscow flew to Phuket on vacation with his wife. They were supposed to stay in a warm country until April 28. On the second day of rest, the couple went to look at the statue of the Big Buddha. According to the miraculously surviving wife, the rented moped skidded at a sharp turn and fell into the abyss.

According to Pavel’s wife, they drove carefully, not exceeding speed, but at a difficult turn near a cliff they lost control. The woman fell on the road, and her husband fell into the abyss along with the moped. Currently, the body of the deceased Russian has been sent to one of the hospitals for an autopsy, the Bangkok Post reports, citing the police.

The wife turned to the Russian Consulate for help, but they told her to contact the insurance or travel agency where they bought the tickets. Now Anna is waiting for the results of the autopsy and permission to take the body of her deceased husband home.

It is reported that the couple moved to Moscow from the Saratov region. They were manufacturing doors, raising a 19-year-old son, and recently took out a mortgage on an apartment.

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