Russian ex-candidate for deputy admitted to killing his wife (4 photos)

27 April 2024

The reason was jealousy. The man wrote that he does not regret his action.

Former social activist and candidate for deputy of the Tver City Duma from the A Just Russia party, Evgeny Nikolsky, admitted on Saturday morning to the murder of his wife. He wrote on social networks that the “lying creature” got what he deserved and he does not regret what he did. Obviously, the reason for reprisal against his wife was a long-standing family conflict and Nikolsky’s jealousy.

“Yes, I did it. I’m not going to deny it and I will bear the necessary punishment. I don’t care what happens to me, but the lying creature got what she deserved. I appeal to everyone with only one request: save your daughter,” Nikolsky wrote.

It is reported that the woman’s body was found near a school in the village of Emelyanovo, Tver Region. According to the Baza Telegram channel, the victim’s brother was nearby at the time of the murder. During the next scandal, Nikolsky took out a knife and stabbed his wife in the neck. The brother of a 36-year-old woman tried to help his sister, but the murderer Nikolsky did not let him near his dying relative. Then he grabbed the jack with his hand and hit Nikolsky several times with it. Baza reports that Nikolsky himself is now in intensive care. Then it is not entirely clear how he was able to write a confession on social networks. According to other sources, Nikolsky has been detained and investigators are now working with him.

It is noted that since 2014, Nikolsky has been the chairman of the A Just Russia branch in the Moskovsky district of Tver. Nikolsky’s wife worked in the IT field and taught dance. The tragically failed family is left with an 11-month-old daughter.

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