A man was detained in Germany for shooting his ex-wife and daughter in Turkey (3 photos)

27 May 2024

Kuslevich was once the oligarch's bodyguard.

Police discovered the bodies of a woman and a girl - 42-year-old Irina and her 15-year-old daughter Dayana - in the suburbs of Turkish Bodrum. Both had gunshot wounds. The alarm was raised by Irina’s neighbor, who said that the woman had not been in touch for three days. Looking into the house, she saw that everything was covered in blood. Police later found the dead. Someone wrapped the bodies in cloth and hid them in the countryside. According to one version, the woman’s ex-husband, a Finnish citizen, may be involved in the murder. All services are now searching for him. It turned out that after the massacre he threw the gun into a trash container, and got to Ankara airport in Irina’s car, Shot reports.

It became known that the man fled through France to Lithuania, taking with him the son he shared with Irina. The woman’s lawyer suggests that Kuslevich could thus take revenge on his wife for divorcing him.

It is known that in 2017 Kuslevich was the bodyguard of an oligarch from Monaco. He stole jewelry from him and tried to hide in Russia, but he was detained in Moscow. However, he managed to escape from custody and fled to Lithuania. There he met Irina, whom he killed in the future. Now he has been detained in Germany. In addition to the charge of murder, he is accused of escape.

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