A native of Congo, standing with a poster “Migrants are not criminals,” raped a 15-year-old girl (4 photos)

27 April 2024

Checkmate, defenders of migrants.

Anicet Mayela, from the Republic of Congo, first came to the UK in 2004, paying an agent to smuggle him. In Africa, he said, life was unbearable. However, a year later he was supposed to be deported back, but due to a chain of accidents this did not happen.

He initially stated that he had been injured in detention at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre. Mayela was then detained at Campsfield House Detention Center in Kidlington for the duration of the proceedings, where he remained until his scheduled deportation in May 2005.

Campsfield House detention center in Kidlington

A second deportation attempt also failed due to a boycott by Air France flight attendants. They reportedly blocked the flight after they saw deportation officers duct tape and handcuff Mayela's legs, allegedly breaking his arm in the process.

A month after this event, Mayela won a decision to remain in Britain thanks to lawyers who argued that deportation in his case would be contrary to human rights. And while the police are investigating the actions of service workers who mistreated the migrant, he must remain in the country. And then they decided that Mayela should be left in Britain, especially when they started talking about him in the media.

A couple of days after his release, Mayela was photographed standing with a sign reading “Migrants are not criminals!”

And recently it became known that a native of the Congo was detained for raping a 15-year-old girl. He confessed to the crime and is now in custody. Tory MP Marco Longhi, commenting on the case, said: “My constituents will certainly be furious to learn that he stayed here on a flimsy pretext before committing this horrific crime.” Mayela faces life imprisonment.

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