17-Year-Old Girl in Bashkortostan Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Justifying School Murders (2 Photos)

2 April 2024

Also, for two years the girl will not be able to be an administrator of a website or any channel.

In Bashkiria, a 17-year-old girl created groups and channels on social networks where she published content that justified murders at school. When the police came to search her, they confiscated the girl’s diaries and gadgets. After the examination, it was found that the girl “adheres to and approves of the activities of the Columbiners.” In other words, a 17-year-old Bashkir woman approves of school shootings.

After a search, in December 2023, the girl was accused of organizing and participating in terrorist activities, as well as promoting these very actions. However, the lawyer said that the girl did not plan to attack the school.

On March 19, the court sentenced the girl to 5 years and 6 months in a general regime colony. She was found guilty under two articles (205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, the girls were banned from administering websites and channels for two years, Baza reports. However, the girl’s lawyer said that the decision would be appealed, because the accused did not commit any crime, she was simply interested in the Columbine movement and did not approve of terrorist acts.

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