Donations for castration: the creator of a website who earned 300,000 from voluntary castration was convicted in Britain (2 photos)

28 May 2024

A London court convicted a group of people who castrated men, filmed it and provided content for a paid subscription. In total the site made £300,000 and had 22,000 subscribers.

Marius Gustafson

Surprisingly, all the victims were voluntary. They are normal, and they themselves wanted to be castrated. We are talking about a peculiar subculture of “nullos” (from genital nullification - genital nullification). For one reason or another, they believe that the male genitals should be separated from the body. We don’t presume to judge what these reasons are: aesthetic, psychopathic, occult or fetishistic. As a result, 13 people became victims of the group.

The head of the community is 46-year-old Marius Gustavson from Sweden, who calls himself “the creator of eunuchs.” He opened a website for which he recorded videos of operations and raised money through donations (premium cost $100). Moreover, he himself became the first model, having undergone castration in 2017 and recording everything on camera. To do this, he hired two dubious criminal types in London (one of them was a nurse). So that you understand the level of insanity of this man: before this, he deliberately froze his leg in dry ice so that it would be amputated, and then asked to cut off his nipple - simply because of his own fetishistic fantasies.

Damian Burns

It is noteworthy that both people who castrated Gustavson also ended up in the dock (their correspondence was revealed, it turned out that Gustavson also deceived them with payment, and they began to blackmail him). One of them, Damian Burns, admitted in court that he vomited horribly after cutting off a client's penis. The patient, having recovered, threw his own genitals into the refrigerator, where the British police found them.

Damian Burns

Over time, a team of like-minded people gathered around Gustavson, who performed operations (not only castrations, but also other amputations and torture) and made content out of it. Moreover, ordinary knives or tools for castrating animals were used. Surprisingly, all of their patients apparently survived.

Gustafson pleaded guilty to intentionally causing harm to patients, selling severed organs and creating a website. The court did not take into account the fact that everything was voluntary and found him guilty of 29 different crimes. Apparently, he will receive the full punishment, but exactly how long it will take is unclear. Hearings at which the punishment will be announced will be held on May 31 and June 30.

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