Proof that there is nothing scarier than nature (23 photos)

13 March 2024

Trees, pandas and beautiful flowers are all wonderful, of course. But these photos will prove to you that wildlife is truly merciless and cruel.

1. A crocodile named Brutus eats a bull shark.

2. Hippos attack a crocodile that covets their baby

3. In pursuit of a dolphin, an orca, aka a killer machine, jumps 4.5 meters out of the water

Spoiler: the chase is successful

4. Giant fruit bat

5. Big Catch: Rare Whale Shark

6. Sperm whale battle scars are the result of battles with giant squids

Such marks are left by their suckers on the skin of a sperm whale.

7. These 200-pound jellyfish have taken over the waters off the coast of Japan.

8. And these giant deadly hornets have captured the provinces in northern China

9. What about these cute little platypuses?

When they grow up, they will acquire these terrible stingers that spray poison

10. Australian wedge-tailed whitetail drags off a fox

11. When appetite knows no bounds

12. Do you think that if you stay away from the ocean, you won’t be afraid of sharks? Think again - this shark was caught in the Mississippi River

13. And these sharks ended up right on the golf course after the flood in Australia

14. This seemingly innocent and harmless bird is actually poisonous. Its feathers are coated with a neurotoxin that causes numbness when touched.

15. Don't let those adorable eyes fool you. The slow loris' bite is poisonous - a rare property for a primate, but it's a fact

16. This South American killer caterpillar isn't just poisonous, it's also deadly.

17. Known as Cymothoa exigua, this parasite burrows through the gills of a fish, EATS ITS TONGUE, and then TAKES ITS PLACE.

18. Australian everyday life: a python eats a crocodile

19. This is what the mouth of a leatherback turtle looks like

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