Tourists filmed how a pride of lions attacked a huge buffalo (5 photos + 1 video)

10 May 2024

Visitors to the Maasai Mara reserve in Kenya filmed how a huge buffalo was attacked by an entire pride of lions during a safari. This is a rare sight: lions do not always dare to attack such a large animal.

During a safari in the Masai Mara reserve in Kenya, tourists filmed a cruel but natural scene in the wild: a lion attack on a huge buffalo. At first the lions surrounded the animal, and when the buffalo sensed danger, it was too late. The lions carefully planned their attack and began attacking him from behind as he tried to escape. According to the tourist behind the video, the guide said he had “never seen anything like it.”

Although lions hunt and kill buffalo, it is a difficult and dangerous activity and is therefore rarely observed in the wild. Adult buffaloes are large in size and often fight back aggressively. But if lions unite during a hunt, they can get even such large prey.

"Seeing this, I felt the adrenaline rush through me. I kept trying to make sure that I accurately captured what was happening. I kept getting goosebumps - it was such a silent reminder of how strong the king of beasts can be," says 48 -year-old Marty Keene, the author of the video, who flew to Kenya from the USA with his wife.

"The Masai Mara is the most incredible place we've ever been. Our guide said he's made thousands of trips here and has never seen anything like it!" - the tourist continued.

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