Animal Abuser in Turkey Sentenced to Record Prison Term for Killing Stray Cat (3 Photos)

2 April 2024

At first, the court gave the furry killer a suspended sentence of 1.5 years, but then changed its decision due to public outcry.

A scandal erupted in Istanbul over the death of a stray cat named Eros. According to local media, the cat lived in a residential complex. He was everyone's favorite, he was fed and loved. On January 1, the cat was found dead. He was killed by local resident Ibrahim Keloglan. He kicked the cat to death and left it in the courtyard of a residential complex. When people found their dead pet, they immediately looked at the camera footage and figured out the killer.

The flayer was detained. The story went viral on social media and received over a million reactions. The trial of the man took place. At first, the knacker was sentenced to one and a half years in prison, but soon the actual sentence was replaced with a suspended sentence. This infuriated the public so much that people began to hold rallies.

A second hearing was held in the Keloglan case. The man was sentenced to two and a half years of probation, and was also prohibited from leaving the country. At the trial, the man stated that he had a nervous breakdown.

I repeat my previous testimony. I'm not a crime machine. Because of the momentary mental breakdown I had, in a state of anger and madness, I made a mistake that I will not forget for the rest of my life. However, after a decision was made about me after the incident, at every opportunity I bought food in the mountainous and rural areas and fed the animals,” the NTV channel quoted the accused as saying.

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