A drunken prostitute attacked the cat, but he did not give himself offense (2 photos + 1 video)
Category: Terrible (all news), Animals
27 April 2024
The cat grabbed the priestess of love with all his paws and teeth, and tore her so hard that the lady had to call an ambulance.
Offending animals is the last thing. It is not known what came into the mind of the sneaky “night butterfly”, but she began to mock the animal. Fluffy suffered from a drunken grandmother, but he managed to stand up for himself.
The cat's claws and teeth, judging by the video, pierced the blood vessels of the rapist. The victim called an ambulance to stop the bleeding.
Carefully! Video - only for people with a stable psyche!
And the fluffy fighter hid in the entrance, and after his photo spread around the Moscow region, there were kind people who wanted to shelter the cat.

We hope that a bright streak will now come in his life, and the lady of the demimonde will understand that animals must be treated well.