Two Americans died from zombie deer disease (4 photos)

28 April 2024

Hooray! A new end of the world, humanity, according to the good old tradition, is doomed to extinction.

Okay, this is not my spring flare-up, but real news in the USA. There, in general, wild deer have recently begun to increasingly suffer from a strange virus. Scientists call it chronic wasting disease (CWD) or zombie deer disease.

Similar to mad cow disease, CWD is characterized by chronic weight loss and clinical signs consistent with brain lesions that worsen over time and always lead to death.

This disease was first discovered in 1967, and in 1978 it was already classified and began to be studied. It turned out that not only deer, but also moose are sick. Since then, CWD has been detected in free-ranging and captive animal populations in 30 US states and four Canadian provinces.

In 2016, this infection was discovered in a herd of wild reindeer in Norway, as well as in wild moose. Isolated cases of CWD in moose were found in Finland (March 2018) and Sweden (March and May 2019, September 2020).

In at least 32 states and parts of Canada, there have been reports of a virus dubbed "zombie deer disease" in animal populations.

There is no cure or vaccine, the disease is 100% fatal. The disease is so contagious that if one animal tests positive, the entire herd is considered infected. You will say that yes, the deer are dying, I feel sorry for the animals, but what does it have to do with people?

The fact is that the Americans suddenly found out that eating the meat of infected deer is deadly. Before this, there were no confirmed cases of transmission of the disease from animals to humans.

Two hunter friends shot a deer and had a nice lunch of meat, and then died. The 72-year-old man experienced “rapid onset of confusion and aggression” and seizures. He died within a month. After his death, he was diagnosed with a brain-debilitating disease that has been compared to mad cow disease. The hunter's friend died from the same thing. The men died back in 2022, but scientists have only now published data on their death.

It can take more than a year for an infected animal to develop symptoms, which can include sudden weight loss, stumbling and lethargy.

Doctors are warning Americans not to eat anything, especially if it looks bad.

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