Assault on Common Sense: Volga Region Maniac Suspected in Killing 31 Pensioners Refuses to Admit Guilt (4 Photos)

2 April 2024

He faces life in a special regime colony.

Radik Tagirov - according to investigators, he is responsible for 31 robberies and murders of elderly women.

Radik Tagirov

Security officials believe that at first he acted only in Tatarstan. Then he moved to other regions and began operating in Perm, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Ivanovo and other cities. He committed crimes in 2011-2012: he found lonely old women, introduced himself as a utility worker and went into their apartment. After that he robbed and strangled. The total sum of the criminal's money is about 9 thousand dollars.

Tagirov was identified using a DNA database and detained in December 2020. The investigation has been going on all this time, and now the final court hearings are taking place. He declared that he was innocent.

I didn’t have any dislike for older women. I had close relatives: my grandmother on my father’s side, my grandfather on my mother’s side. I always had a normal relationship with them.

The investigation does not provide plausible motives. I had neither direct nor indirect motives to commit these murders to enrich myself, I simply can’t wrap my head around it... I didn’t need money, and if I had needed it, I would never have decided to enrich myself in this way.

He claims that the investigative actions took place without attesting witnesses and witnesses, only “interested persons from law enforcement agencies” were present.

Tagirov could not explain how his DNA ended up in the victims’ apartments. He referred to an alibi and witnesses who would allegedly confirm that at that time he was in completely different places, but did not give their data. He only asked “not to judge him for crimes that he did not commit.”

It's just some kind of nonsense. Your Honor, do not judge me for actions that I did not commit. I just can’t even explain everything that’s happening here. I'm trying not to be rude, but there was a rape of common sense.

The prosecution believes that the total term for Tagirov’s crimes is 400 years behind bars. The prosecutor asked for life in a special regime colony for him. The final verdict will be handed down the day after tomorrow.

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