A Russian placed a gas cylinder on the rails out of envy of working people (3 photos)

12 April 2024

The security forces do not believe in the young man’s stupid motive, but in the spring, as you know, anything can happen.

In the Kaliningrad region, police detained a 20-year-old resident of the village of Konstantinovka, who placed an empty 50-liter gas cylinder between the rails, causing a three-car rail bus to go off the tracks.

During interrogation, the suspect stated that he wanted to stop the rail bus so that people would be late for work. He explained this by saying that he himself is unemployed and he doesn’t like it. The attacker achieved his goal. As a result of a collision with the cylinder, the wheelset of the first carriage derailed, more than two hundred passengers were forced to walk to the nearest station. They were really late for work.

In total, there were 207 passengers on the railbus. None of the passengers were injured. Traffic in the emergency area was restored several hours later.

Senseless revenge against someone unknown turned into a criminal case for a terrorist act for the detainee. Investigators do not believe the version voiced by the suspect. Law enforcement officers believe that Dmitry Kolesnik, who lives 80 meters from the railway, was recruited by foreign intelligence services and decided to earn extra money from sabotage.

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