90 people drowned off the coast of Mozambique (3 photos)

14 April 2024

Rescuers are searching for survivors after a fishing boat converted into a ferry sank off the coast of Mozambique. 130 passengers, fleeing cholera, tried to reach an island near Nampula.

At the moment, 94 people have been confirmed dead, many of whom are children.

Nampula provincial secretary of state Jaime Neto said: "The ship sank because it was overcrowded and not designed to carry passengers."

Panicked, people fled the cholera outbreak on the mainland.

The ship was heading from Lunga to the island of Mozambique, which formerly served as the capital of Portuguese East Africa. Thanks to its colonial architecture and rich history, the island has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

According to initial reports, the ship collided with a tidal wave. An investigation has been launched to find out the cause of the tragedy.

Nampula province has been the hardest hit by the cholera outbreak, with 15,000 cases and 32 deaths reported since October.

In recent months, the province has seen a large influx of people fleeing jihadist attacks in neighboring Cabo Delgado. Over the past six years, at least 4,000 people have died there and nearly a million have been forced from their homes.

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