Seamen Killed and Injured Aboard Trawler "Captain Lobanov" near Kaliningrad (4 Photos)

4 April 2024

There was an explosion on board the fishing vessel, followed by a fire.

Yesterday, March 19, an emergency occurred near Kaliningrad on board the trawler "Captain Lobanov": an explosion occurred, then the ship caught fire.

There were seven people on board the trawler loaded with fish at the time. The ship left the city of Svetly and was heading to Baltiysk, but did not reach the destination.

The crew was unable to put out the fire on their own and at 10:50 (9:50 Moscow time) sent a distress signal, after which rescuers rushed to the trawler.

Yesterday, the TASS agency reported the death of one sailor, two people were considered missing. Today, the SHOT Telegram channel published a complete list of the dead and injured:

Pavel R. - captain, died instantly from the explosion

Ilya L. - burned in the cabin

Oleg O. - burned down in the cabin

Alexey R. - senior mechanic, in serious condition in hospital

Dmitry K. - minor burns

Denis F. – minor burns

Student cadet - minor burns.

Of the 7 crew members, four managed to escape: one of them was sent for outpatient treatment with minor burns, three are in clinics. Among the victims is the son of the ship's owner. General Director of the company Marine Firm Stalactite LLC. Denis Parfenyuk said that his 19-year-old son did an internship on a trawler. He was sent home with minor injuries for outpatient treatment.

The ship, according to authorities, was towed ashore to the port. Its further fate is still unknown - now the investigation will establish the causes of the explosion and fire on board. By the way, there is no official confirmation of the death of the three sailors yet. It is only known that the Kaliningrad region will allocate 10 thousand dollars to the family of the person who died in the fire on the trawler "Captain Lobanov" and 5 thousand dollars to the victims - the regional authorities reported this yesterday. The owner of the vessel himself, who, it would seem, should know more than others, does not comment on the emergency

He refused to talk about the possible causes of the explosion. “We haven’t fully figured out the situation yet, we’re finding out what happened. Perhaps I’ll be able to answer something in two days.”

By the way, emergencies on a trawler have happened before. Three years ago, "Captain Lobanov" fell on its side during launching, after which it partially sank. No one was hurt then.

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