“I thought there were no seeds left from it”: in Kazakhstan, a pensioner beat his wife and blew up a house because of improperly planted potatoes (5 photos)

27 May 2024

The 95-year-old grandfather forgot that he planted potatoes himself and began to ask his wife who came to her garden to help.

On May 22, in Petropavlovsk, an ancient grandfather quarreled with his wife, beat her, and then blew up the house.

The conflict developed in front of the neighbors - a 94-year-old beaten woman literally crawled into their house and asked to call an ambulance and the police. It turned out that she was marked by her husband, who forgot that he himself planted potatoes in the garden, and is now swearing that they were planted somehow wrong.

“He shouts: “Galya, quickly call the firefighters, now the house will explode.” My grandfather beat me up, covered me with cylinders, and is sitting with an ax." So, I immediately started calling. She was wearing only socks, there was blood on her, her hands were beaten, her legs - all this. She said: "Galya, he beat me so much, for 69 years for the first time. (...) He grabbed me and started beating me, and immediately surrounded everything with balloons,” says the neighbor.

The grandfather himself locked himself in the house and did not open the door even when the police arrived. After short negotiations, an explosion was heard in the house, followed by a fire.

Firefighters also had to be called to the scene of the emergency, and they had to extinguish another house located nearby.

In parallel with extinguishing the fire, they looked for that same grandfather - and found him. The pensioner was badly burned, and he was taken to a local clinic with 35-40% burns, where he remains in serious condition.

The photo shows what is left of the house.

The grandfather's wife claims that this was not the first time he threatened to blow up a house. Apparently, the old man periodically had attacks of aggression, but previously they were extinguished in time.

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