A Brazilian woman who cut off her husband's penis was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison (5 photos)

1 June 2024

The most interesting thing is that the man forgave his missus and did not even intend to file a police report against her.

On December 22, 2023, 34-year-old Brazilian woman Dayan dos Santos Farias reported to the police and reported that she had cut off her husband’s genitals. The lady found out that her husband slept with her 15-year-old niece - and decided to take revenge. Because The age of consent in Brazil is 14 years old; a woman could not jail a depraved cheater. I had to use a trick.

In this photo, the man does not yet suspect that he will soon remain disabled

Farias lured her husband into bed and promised unforgettable sex. She tied the man's arms and legs to the bed under the pretext of light BDSM, and then cut off his penis with a razor blade.

Dayan dos Santos Farias

The avenger knew that in some cases, surgeons can reattach a lost organ (and it will take root), so Madame calmly photographed the scrap and then flushed it down the toilet. So that the husband would definitely lose his manhood, and then contact the police.

34-year-old Gilbert Nogueiro de Oliveira was quickly taken to hospital and saved. But he no longer has a genital organ. Of course, this fact kills him, but he is no longer angry with his wife. Moreover, the unfortunate man paid for the services of a lawyer for his wife so that she would be released from arrest, but the court was adamant: Dayan dos Santos Farias received 5.5 years in prison for self-harm.

The convict is going to appeal this decision and hopes to gain the opportunity to periodically leave the correctional institution. She’s not some kind of serious criminal, says the Brazilian. Just think, I cut off some flesh!

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