A Chinese woman stole an 11-year-old girl to raise her as an “ideal wife” for her son (3 photos)

10 May 2024

The woman was fascinated by a schoolgirl from the provinces, she really wanted to have such a daughter-in-law, which is why the family committed a daring kidnapping.

An outrageous incident occurred in China that caused an incredible resonance in society. A resident of Yunnan province and her son kidnapped a girl who, like no one else, was suitable for the role of an “ideal wife” for her offspring.

A woman surnamed Yang met an 11-year-old schoolgirl in a nearby village. The teenage girl charmed the Chinese woman with her manners, so Mrs. Yang thought that the little girl would be suitable for her as a daughter-in-law. An inspired lady and her 27-year-old son came to the girl’s family to ask for her hand in marriage.

The child's father refused, but Jan saw no obstacles on the way to her goal...

Daring kidnapping

The mother entered into an agreement with her son. They chose the moment when the schoolgirl’s parents were not at home and took the girl from her native village to the city. The parents contacted the police and filed a report of abduction.

Fortunately, the family was found quite quickly: the girl spent four days in the house of her under-mother-in-law when the kidnapper was arrested. And a few days later, the would-be husband came to the police station to surrender.

The court sentenced the woman and her son to 2 years and 7 months in prison for kidnapping a child. The girl's parents filed an appeal so that the punishment would be more severe, but after the case was reconsidered, the term remained the same.


It is interesting that for a long time in China there was indeed a tradition of kidnapping girls for re-education in the house of their future father-in-law and mother-in-law. In this way, young women from the Middle Kingdom were prepared for marriage. Later, the “ideal wife” became the wife of one of the sons in the family where she was re-educated.

In the middle of the last century, an official ban was introduced on this tradition, and the abduction of a teenage girl began to be considered a criminal offense. However, there are still followers of this ritual in the province. Apparently, this included Yang and her son.

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