A teenager fell asleep with a chain around his neck next to a charger and received an electric shock (4 photos)

30 May 2024

As Danielle Davis said, at night she was awakened by the cry of her 16-year-old son, who was calling for help. Having come running to the noise, the woman saw that there was a burn on the teenager’s neck, where the chain was hanging. The college student himself told her that he had been electrocuted.

On the night of April 30, his mother, Danielle Davis, heard her son screaming from the bedroom. At first she thought he was playing video games, but she still went out into the corridor to see what was happening. There she met Ogdal. His neck and collarbones were burned, and a mark from a chain with a cross remained on his neck. “And the smell was terrible. The whole house smelled of burnt hair, leather and electrical burns,” Davis described that night. Ogdahl told his mother that he had been electrocuted.

The teenager put his phone on charge at night by his bed. As he tossed and turned in bed, trying to sleep, something fell on the floor. Ogdal decided to check the charger and leaned towards the extension cord. Then his chain came into contact with the prongs of the battery plug, which were slightly protruding from the socket, and he received an electric shock.

Ogdahl noted that in the moment he understood what was happening. He broke the chain, but burned his palms: one of its parts was welded to the fork, and the cross that fell on the bed burned the mattress. There was a hole seven centimeters deep left in the bed. The teen said he saw sparks coming from the chain.

Ogdal was rushed to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with second, third and fourth degree burns. Doctors noted that the electric shock was extremely powerful. They monitored the patient's heart function for several days to make sure he was doing well.

The teenager's neck from chin to collarbone is now covered with scars that will never go away. However, Ogdal refused to undergo skin graft surgery.

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