A father was arrested in the USA for causing his 6-year-old son to die (8 photos + 1 video)

10 May 2024

A 31-year-old father was arrested in the United States for forcing his 6-year-old son to run on a treadmill because he was “too fat.” A few days after this, the boy died. It turned out that he had been abused by his father for many years.

31-year-old American Christopher Gregor appeared in court this week accused of abusing his six-year-old son Corey. During the trial, surveillance footage from the Atlantic Heights Clubhouse fitness center was shown in court. There, the father forces the boy to run on a treadmill at high speed. The footage shows how the boy falls off the path from exhaustion, and Gregor roughly lifts him to his feet and forces him to run further, first biting him on the head.

A few days after that gym visit, the boy's mother, Breanna Micciolo, saw her son's injuries and reported them to a child services specialist from the New Jersey Division of Child Welfare. She then took Corey to the doctor, where the boy said his father made him run on a treadmill “because he was too fat.” The next day Corey died. The initial autopsy showed that this happened as a result of blunt force trauma, contusion of the heart and liver, followed by inflammation and sepsis. A forensic pathologist found the boy suffered from "regular abuse".

The father is believed to have abused his son for years and only a small portion of his abuse was captured on video. If Gregor is found guilty, he faces life in prison. During the trial, the boy's mother was the first to speak in court as a witness. The woman sobbed and wiped away tears as she watched the same video from the cameras. After her son's death, she created a community on social networks to draw public attention to this case, and to cruelty towards children in general.

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