The mother of a “Dom-2” participant learned about the death of her daughter from social networks (4 photos)

10 April 2024

The mother learned about her daughter's death from social networks.

36-year-old ex-participant of “House-2” (2011–2015) Liber Kpadonu died in the hospital. True, the cause of the girl’s death is not known. The SHOT Telegram channel reports that the cause of death may be complications after lung surgery or cardiac arrest due to alcohol intoxication. Liber contacted subscribers on February 14 and after that she was no longer online, SHOT reports. At that moment the girl was on her way to the hospital.

Neighbors say Liberge died not in the hospital, but at home. The victim’s neighbor said that the body was found by the owner of the apartment:

— The body was found in perfect condition, not decomposed. The neighbors didn't smell anything. The owner said that she died in her sleep, with a phone in one hand and a glass of juice under the other. Found her on the bed,” she told MSK1.

It also turned out that Liber drank a lot. She had health problems and could not cope with them psychologically. Neighbors said that they often saw the girl drunk.

“She came to me one day in the firewood drunk, she didn’t think at all.” She seems to have worsened pancreatitis, larynx, trachea, something like that. She drank vodka, but I forbade her. She said: “Nastya, give me some vodka,” I answered: “I won’t give it.” And she replaced the vodka with water,” the neighbor recalls.

The exact cause of Liberge's death is currently unknown; it remains to be determined by experts. spoke with the mother of the deceased, who said that she had little contact with her daughter. The woman said that she learned about her daughter’s death from social networks.

“I can’t remember now [the last time we talked]. At the same time, we had to perform an operation on her and performed an operation on my husband, he was in the hospital. I was torn, so when I called, she no longer answered. I don't remember, honestly. We are now flying to Moscow, we’ll see what’s there, we’ll talk to the investigator. I can’t say anything yet, I’m all on my nerves.”

The exact cause of death is still unknown. However, it is easy to restore the chronicle of events. In February, the girl found out about the tumor, underwent surgery, started drinking and died.

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