In Indonesia, a tourist fell into a volcano crater (4 photos)

10 May 2024

Chinese national Huang Lihong, 31, fell into the crater of the Ijen volcano in Banyuwangi while her husband was taking a photo. According to local media reports, on April 20, the couple climbed the slope with a local guide to watch the sunrise.

The woman was posing on the edge, but lost her footing and fell from a height of 75 m.

The husband of the deceased showed a photo of Lihun posing against the backdrop of a volcano, and clouds of sulfur dioxide rising behind her.

It took rescuers more than two hours to retrieve the body of the deceased.

The head of the Department of Nature Conservation of the Banyuwangi region, Dwi Putro Sugiarto, said that the fall was an accident and asked tourists to take safety precautions when climbing the Ijen volcano.

Ijen consists of a group of volcanic features on the border between Banyuwangi and Bondowoso in East Java.

An interesting phenomenon occurs in one of the craters - blue volcanic gases come to the surface.

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