In Russia, after the flood, a white horse was filmed from the top floor using a manipulator (3 photos + 3 videos)
The owners were saving their pet.
Floods in the Orenburg region this year broke all records. Water flooded most of the area. Now the water is gradually receding, but residents continue to cope with the consequences. Many lost their homes. 1.7 thousand flooded houses will have to be demolished, the Russian government said.
“In total, specialists examined 5,007 houses, of which 3,201 were recognized as subject to major repairs, 1,745 were recognized as unsafe and subject to demolition, and 61 houses were suitable for habitation,” the report says.
Meanwhile, residents of Orenburg saved their property as best they could. Animals suffered the most. The story of the white horse from SNT near Orenburg spread all over the Internet. The animal has been living in the Osinki SNT for a long time. Previously, the owners had a large stable where many horses lived. Now there is one white 20-year-old horse and two ponies left. According to the owners, these animals have become practically family members for them. When the water began to rise, the horse and pony were taken into the house. The pony was dragged to the second floor of the house, but the horse was left on the first floor; he refused to go to the second floor.
But the water level was rising, and the horse stood knee-deep in water and began to weaken. Then it was decided to drag the horse to the second floor at all costs. As a result, this was only possible in the neighbor’s house. The animal was taken up the stairs to the second floor, sprinkled with oats, and placed on the balcony. He ended up living there for 10 days.

When the water began to subside, they decided to remove the horse from the balcony. But he flatly refused to go down. After thinking a little, the locals decided to remove the horse using a manipulator.
The horse was shocked, and so was the manipulator. Everything turned out well for the horse, and the country will pay the owners $200 for the consequences of the flood.