A Turkish court acquitted a Syrian who killed a Russian feminist (5 photos)

11 June 2024

Anastasia Emelyanova moved to Turkey, where she lived with 29-year-old Syrian Mohammad Nizar Arnabeh. And then her body was found in a rented apartment in Erzurum. The feminist's roommate admitted that he killed Nastya, but then changed his testimony.

Anastasia Emelyanova is known as one of the hosts of the YouTube channel “Feminists Explain.” and in Turkey she worked as a system administrator in one of the companies in Erzurum.

Anastasia Emelyanova

In the same city, she met a 29-year-old Syrian man who worked as a barista in a café. At first, friendly relations began between them, and then the couple began to live together.

On the evening of September 20, 2023, an argument occurred between Anastasia and her friend, and then the woman was found dead. Her legs were cut, and doctors said the woman died of blood loss. When the police interviewed Emelyanova’s roommate, he admitted that in the heat of the conflict he pushed the woman, she fell on a glass table, after which the guy stabbed her in the leg several times with a piece of glass.

However, after a while, the Syrian changed his testimony and began to claim that he found the woman already dead, and said too much in a state of passion. Allegedly, he came home from work late at night and saw Anastasia’s body.

“I saw Anastasia lying face down in the living room and noticed that her face was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes. I thought she might be dead. Then I called for help, and the police came and detained me,” he said at the court hearing.

The trial lasted 8 months. The prosecution demanded a life sentence for the Syrian, but in the end, on May 27, it was announced that the evidence collected by the investigation did not prove the guilt of Muhammad Nizar Arnabeh. A jury has ruled that the partner of a deceased feminist was not guilty of her death. He will be released from custody.

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