A Muscovite used a crossbow to kill his wife, with whom he lived for almost 10 years after their divorce (3 photos)

10 June 2024

The former spouses did not want to separate because of the apartment.

In the north-east of Moscow, the body of a woman was found, who was killed with a sports crossbow. The killer shot twice, hitting him in the head and chest, police said. The main suspect turned out to be the ex-husband of the deceased woman. It is reported that the couple divorced back in 2015, but did not separate because they did not want to exchange a two-ruble rent for a problem with the metro.

Their age difference is large - about 15 years. The woman was 43, he was already 58. The man began to drink and, according to neighbors, often caused scandals. He complained to his friends that she had found someone younger. The woman herself sometimes moved out of the apartment for several weeks, but then returned. The couple's neighbors also heard the quarrel. The police reported this to KP.RU.

On the evening of the murder, neighbors heard wild screams from the apartment where the family lived. Frightened, they called the police. However, when the police arrived, the woman was already dead, and her ex-husband was in serious condition.

Apparently, after killing his ex-wife, the man tried to commit suicide, the police said. - He was hospitalized in serious condition. Now doctors are fighting for this man’s life. It is not yet possible to interrogate him to find out the details of what happened.

Two criminal cases have been opened under the articles “Murder” and “Illegal Weapons Trafficking”. A pistol, which was not registered anywhere, was also seized from the apartment.

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