The police woke up: the robber entered the house, but fell asleep next to the air conditioner (2 photos)

14 June 2024

According to police, the man was very drunk and fell asleep in the living room after he found the air conditioner and turned it on.

A thief who broke into a house in Lucknow, India, to rob it fell asleep with the air conditioner on in the living room. A man was arrested after police found him sleeping comfortably.

The incident occurred on Sunday, June 2. Police officers have arrested a man who was found sleeping peacefully on the floor of a house he had broken into to rob. According to police, he was very drunk and fell asleep in the house after he found the air conditioner and turned it on.

The property belongs to Dr. Sunil Pandey, who was away at the time of the incident. Finding the house empty, the man entered by opening the front gate of the house. Walking into the living room, the man noticed the air conditioner and turned it on. He then sat comfortably on the floor, resting his head on a pillow, and soon fell asleep.

Finding the gate of the house open, Dr. Pandey's neighbors called him. However, since he was out of town at the time, he reported the matter to the police.

Law enforcement officers arrived at the scene and found the man fast asleep with the air conditioner on. The photo of the thief shows him holding a mobile phone in his right hand.

District Attorney Vijay Shankar said the man entered the house with the intention of stealing but fell asleep.

"He was very drunk, which is why he fell asleep and could not wake up. Neighbors reported this, after which he was arrested," one of the officers told local media.

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