Man in Dagestan Shoots Driver Who Fatally Hit His 15-Year-Old Son (8 Photos)

1 April 2024

The culprit of the accident was given 1.5 years of restriction of freedom, and then the father of the deceased teenager carried out lynching.

Last May, an accident occurred in the village of Terekli-Mekteb: a 22-year-old driver in a Mazda hit a 15-year-old boy on a moped. The boy died from his injuries.

The driver was detained and brought to trial. During the proceedings, he hired a lawyer, there are rumors that he also tried to reconcile with the relatives of the deceased guy. They flatly refused. And today his sentence was announced: 1.5 years of restriction of freedom.

The father of the deceased boy waited until the culprit of the accident and his lawyer left the courthouse and opened fire on them. Both were taken to the hospital, but could not be saved. The man who killed them was detained and taken away for interrogation. Probably, the investigation will not be long or complicated - the reason for the reprisal is obvious to everyone.

In Dagestan, heated discussions began on this topic. Some people try to understand and justify the man, others believe that such revenge is unacceptable. Moreover, he also shot the lawyer.

Be that as it may, for a double murder a man will go to prison for a long time - that’s the law. It turns out that the accident claimed the lives of several people: a boy, a driver, a lawyer. And the father of the dead guy finally ruined his fate.

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