A man who had a 30-hour erection received €49,000 due to a doctor’s mistake (3 photos)

Yesterday, 10:00

His wife also received a payout.

A 36-year-old man from Valencia, Spain, went to a medical center in the city of Albaida about four hours after his penis remained erect and would not go down.

The unnamed man was diagnosed with priapism, which doctors describe as a "prolonged erection" that is not always caused by sexual arousal, but sometimes can be. This occurs when blood is unable to drain from the veins of the penis and requires prompt medical treatment to prevent tissue damage or other complications such as erectile dysfunction.

However, despite the diagnosis, the man claimed in his medical malpractice claim that there were serious delays in accessing the treatment he urgently needed and that the hospital performed poorly on his genitals.

He visited the hospital twice with his wife, about 20 hours after the problem first occurred.

The claimant claims that the hospital told him he would have to wait to see a urologist, so he sought a referral elsewhere. He arrived there with a fever, which sometimes accompanies priapism.

As per protocol, doctors drained blood from his penis and scheduled him for a flexible penile prosthesis, a semi-rigid implant that helps men regain erections, maintain sex, and quickly relieve pain during priapism. However, the patient said the prosthesis came out and was "poorly adjusted," requiring a second operation.

In his claim for compensation, the plaintiff noted that doctors at various hospitals failed to provide him with the treatment he needed, leaving him in constant pain and with difficulty getting and maintaining an erection.

He suffered from permanent erectile dysfunction, pain in his left leg and lost feeling and strength in his right arm.

The regional government ordered the man to pay 49,000 euros and another 5,000 euros to his wife as "moral" compensation for the damage caused.

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