With the wind: a 17-year-old Russian clung to a Sapsan and sped off to St. Petersburg at a speed of 250 km/h (2 photos + 1 video)

26 April 2024

Later he said that he had been traveling like this for 3 years.

A minor metropolitan zoomer showed a master class on “hooking.” This is when they cling to the outside of a train, for example, by the handrails, and travel for free and at great risk to their lives.

He attached himself to the Sapsan (the train reaches speeds of up to 250 km/h) and left for St. Petersburg. The teenager knew that the Moskovsky station was full of security officers, so he decided to jump off early. But he was no runner, so he quickly ended up in the hands of a railroad employee.

Be careful, mat:

He was placed in a detention center for juvenile offenders and waited for his mother to arrive. And at that time he boasted about his travels and said that he had been skating like this for 3 years. If he had not been caught, he would soon have gone back to Moscow.

Currently, the young man has been handed over to his parents. Administrative protocols have been drawn up against the violator and his legal representative, the North-Western Transport Prosecutor's Office reported.

The guy received protocols for violating the rules of conduct on railway transport (11.17 Code of Administrative Offences) and walking along railway tracks in the wrong place (11.1 Code of Administrative Offenses). His mother also received a protocol for improper performance of parental duties (5.35 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

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