A white magician from Russia pumped himself up with alcohol and set the whole house on edge (6 photos + 1 video)

15 April 2024

The police took him to the department in what he gave birth to, and he threatened them with a curse.

In the 1990s and early 2000s there was a boom in magicians, fortune tellers, sorcerers and astrologers. Now their popularity is less, and the Russian Academy of Sciences commission has recognized astrology as a pseudoscience. Although many citizens did not need the Academy’s conclusion, everything was already clear to them.

And now the “white magician” from St. Petersburg has entered the picture. He positions himself as a tarot reader, psychic and specialist in “cleansing space from negativity.” And his neighbors say that he is a very unique specialist, and if he does magic, he does so strictly with alcohol or substances.

Their words were confirmed by the psychic himself - he pumped himself up with “fire water,” put on a tin foil hat, and then began throwing things out of the window of an apartment on the 18th floor. Unfortunately, I also threw away the cat. The dead pet was later found near the house by the sorcerer's wife. And I was stunned when I went up to the apartment - my hubby caused a real pogrom there. He probably opened a portal to a parallel world and a demon moved into it. Or he overdid it with illegal substances, which is more likely.

The sorcerer's adventures ended with the arrival of the police - he opened the door to the employees completely naked and refused to get dressed. And when they pushed him into the car, he threatened the police with dismissal from service.

Now it will take some time to clean the camera in the police station from the negative. And he will also have to answer for the murder of the unfortunate cat; no one has canceled the article on cruelty to animals.

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