Due to a shortage of condoms, prostitutes in Zimbabwe began to use children's socks (5 photos)
The method is highly questionable in terms of effectiveness, but the priestesses of love have no other options now.
Zimbabwe is in dire need of contraception. Condom deliveries are delayed, and when they appear on sale, they do not reach the population - the scarce goods are quickly bought up and stored by cunning dealers, who then sell them at exorbitant prices.
And doctors, who are obliged to give condoms to prostitutes to prevent the spread of STIs (sexually transmitted infections), appropriate contraceptives for further speculation.
In such a situation, sex workers are forced to resort to extreme measures.
“We are currently facing a problem with access to condoms. Supplies are limited, so we sex workers prefer to use baby socks. We fold them, insert them, and they prevent bodily fluids from entering the cervix,” says Precious Musindo, founder of Springs of Life Zimbabwe, an organization that advocates for sex workers.
Precious Musindo
She explains that the socks are used until they become very wet, after which they are removed, washed and dried for future use. In order to avoid buying socks, they are found in the trash - sometimes mothers of newborns throw away baby clothes that can still be used for something.
Of course, such an unusual means of contraception does not protect well from unwanted pregnancy, and from infections. But sex workers are forced to risk their (and not only their) health, because for many, prostitution is the only way to earn money. The head of the National Family Planning Council, Farai Machinga, promised to contact the Springs of Life Zimbabwe organization and provide the priestesses of love with contraception from the organization's reserves.