“I hate you”: a blogger who abused her children is being tried in Russia (4 photos + 1 video)
Alisa Guliyeva, who records live broadcasts under the pseudonym Zhadi, is accused of torturing a child, intentionally inflicting grievous bodily harm and improper performance of parental upbringing responsibilities. The first court hearing took place on April 17.
Ever since some superintelligences realized that live streaming could make money, they turned their lives into a show behind the glass. Alisa Guliyeva was not particularly intelligent. She went live on air drunk and at the same time raised her child in such a way that the viewers’ blood ran cold.
She beat, insulted and even publicly promised to kill her 12-year-old son, who, as investigators later found out, lived in terrible conditions: the boy had neither his own sleeping place nor normal food.
Carefully! The video contains scenes of violence and profanity!
It is unclear who subscribed to this person and followed the events in her life, but last summer the 33-year-old half-mother was detained.

She asked to be placed under house arrest, but the court left the blogger in jail. By the way, she didn’t work anywhere, but earned money exclusively from live broadcasts (and did anyone watch them?!).

The first court hearings are now taking place.

Guliyeva herself does not admit guilt, despite irrefutable evidence (video recordings and the condition of the children - Galiyeva has two of them, and there is also a four-year-old boy). A representative of the center where the accused’s children are now staying said that the children were brought in in terrible condition, but now it has improved. They underwent treatment and rehabilitation.
The next court hearing will take place in a week, and residents of Tyumen hope that the trash blogger will be sent to a bunk, where she will have an excellent opportunity to think about her behavior.