Owner of Pitbull That Attacked Neighbor's Dogs Tearfully Apologizes After "Talk" with Locals (1 Photo + 2 Videos)

1 April 2024

Among other things, the Investigative Committee took up the case of the daring dog owner.

A high-profile incident occurred on March 6 in the evening in the courtyard of one of the houses in Sukhoi Log, Sverdlovsk region. The owner of a pit bull named Artyom Cherepanov set his dog on a dog that was being walked by a neighbor. The fighting dog grabbed the white Samoyed's paw, and the owner only egged on his pit bull, without even trying to pull him away.

As it turned out later, the Samoyed that the man set the pit bull on belongs to an acquaintance who owed him $400. And thus Artyom tried to collect the debt. He admitted to a local publication that he was drunk that evening and boastfully stated that, having sobered up, he did not repent of his action.

“He owes me 40 thousand, but I can’t catch this bastard. He sees me and runs away from me. The dogs are fighting, but why should I stop if I know that his owner owes me. His dog is even larger than mine,” said Artyom.

According to neighbors, Artyom has set his dog against other people’s dogs more than once. And the local police know him very well; he is a regular in the departments, and not only because of the pit bull

And so, the reward found the hero. Today, a video with Artyom’s apology appeared in local public pages. The video shows that the man was severely beaten and thrown on the ground. In his video message, Artyom promises to pay for the treatment of the injured Samoyed, asks for forgiveness, and at the end of the video breaks down into tears. It is unknown who exactly brought him to a state of active repentance.

“The friendly Sukholozhsky guys, who wished to remain anonymous, came to visit Artyom with tea and sweets. After drinking tea, he realized everything and apologized deeply. Kindness breeds understanding, as they say,” they signed the video in the Sukholozhsky public page on VKontakte.

But that's not all. The local Investigative Committee, due to the fact that the police were delaying the investigation and prosecution, took the case materials for themselves. Artyom Cherepanov will no longer be able to flaunt his impunity.

“Taking into account the increased public resonance that this situation has acquired, the Bogdanovichi Interdistrict Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region filed a petition with the prosecutor to withdraw the inspection materials from the police to the territorial department of the Investigative Committee for further verification activities and subsequent adoption of a procedural decision,” – reported to the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region.

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