Hair began to grow in the man’s throat: doctors say it’s due to smoking (3 photos)

7 July 2024

The patient consulted doctors with complaints of a hoarse voice, difficulty breathing and chronic cough.

A 52-year-old man from Austria, who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years, experienced a rare complication - hair began to grow in his throat.

The patient consulted doctors with complaints of a hoarse voice, difficulty breathing and chronic cough. He was immediately sent for a special procedure to guide a small camera through his airway. Thus, it was possible to detect several hairs that grew from the area of ​​​​the throat where the man had once undergone surgery (skin was transplanted from the ear).

The hair was removed, but it continued to grow back, so the Austrian repeatedly sought help for many years. The disorder was cured only after he quit smoking and decided to undergo endoscopic argon plasma coagulation - burning the root from which the hair grows.

According to experts, only a few similar cases have been described in the medical literature. The causes of the disease have not yet been studied, but doctors say that in this case the growth was triggered by smoking, which can cause inflammation of the tissue in the throat and lead to the transformation of stem cells into hair follicles.

“We assume that the growth of hair in the throat was caused by a bad habit,” summarized the authors of the article in the scientific journal American Journal of Case Reports.

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