Medical Mystery: Indian Man with Giant Hand (5 Photos)

2 April 2024

Strangers are afraid and shy away from 26-year-old Malik Aftab from Ghazipur, India. Doctors were never able to find the cause of the congenital anomaly. His right arm is out of proportion to his body and weighs 9 kg.

“Many people, noticing me, immediately look away and move away. Some are afraid,” Malik shared.

He was never diagnosed, but similar deformities may be caused by Proteus syndrome. The rare disease - only 200 cases are mentioned in the medical literature - is characterized by excessively rapid and atypical growth of bone and skin.

It can cause a number of serious complications, including cancer, abnormal blood vessel formation, and lung disease.

Joseph Merrick, about whom the play and film The Elephant Man was written, probably suffered from Proteus syndrome.

The first signs are detected when the child is between 6 and 18 months old. The growth occurs unevenly, often affecting one side of the body.

Malik has a deformed right hand and visited several doctors as a child.

The student admitted that his family could no longer pay for his treatment. The disease causes him severe pain and fatigue. But this did not stop him from starting a page on the social network and becoming popular, he already has 194 thousand subscribers.

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