In Russia, a woman died after a tummy tuck (4 photos)

27 April 2024

A similar situation occurred just a few days ago in Moscow, where a mother of two children died after the same operation.

The difference was several days, but the outcome, as well as the diagnosis, was the same for the women - a blood clot.

In Bryansk, 50-year-old Elena decided to undergo abdominoplasty - to remove excess skin and fat deposits from the abdomen. I went to the private clinic “Family Doctor” to one of the most experienced and best surgeons in the city. The woman paid $2,400 for all the procedures and the operation itself.

But after the operation complications began.

Elena’s husband said that shortly before her death she received a message: “Hello! I can’t get up. I hid my phone so no one could find it. Now I’ve somehow slipped down. I almost lost consciousness. Oleg, don’t come to me. I’m here.” I’m all in tubes. If everything goes well, I’ll come on Tuesday,” the woman wrote.

Doctors informed the husband that his wife had suffered a pulmonary embolism—a blockage of the pulmonary artery or its branches by blood clots. The man himself believes that doctors are to blame for Elena’s death.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Bryansk Region opened a criminal case. His resolution stated that from March 30, 2024 to March 31, 2024, Family Doctor LLC provided medical services for abdominoplasty that did not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers.

The clinic itself does not agree with the accusations.

- The guilt of the organization’s employees has not been proven; this is the personal opinion of the deceased’s spouse. Of course, we find understanding for his actions, even if they are not entirely legal; the pain of losing a loved one cannot be compensated for by anything. “We offer our condolences to the family and friends, the company’s employees are cooperating with the investigation and providing all the necessary information,” commented the general director of the clinic, Vladimir Mitin.

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