Plastic Surgeon Who Disfigured Model in Sochi Cleared of Responsibility (4 Photos)

6 April 2024

The man was sentenced to 3 years of restriction of freedom, but the statute of limitations for the crime expired, so he was released from liability under the sentence. The victim tried to sue the clinic for 350 thousand dollars, but the court recovered only 50 thousand dollars from the medical institution.

“2nd Vice-Mrs. Russia International 2020” was never able to achieve justice in court. In 2021, the beauty underwent plastic surgery, which changed her life forever. Yulia Tarasevich wanted to remove Bish's lumps, but something went wrong. The literally disfigured girl, together with a team of lawyers, tried for several years to bring the doctor to justice. However, the court acquitted him.

Before the operation, the girl looked stunning; she became a finalist in beauty contests many times. But the spectacular blonde could not stop, dreaming of bringing herself to perfection. Tarasevich wanted to remove Bish's lumps to make her facial features more subtle. For this, she turned to the plastic surgery clinic in Krasnodar to surgeon Andrei Komarov.

Later, the court will conclude that the doctor performed the operation by incorrectly calculating the volume of excised tissue, violating the surgical technique and negligently managing the patient after the operation.

After the operation, Tarasevich developed bilateral neuropathy (damage - editor's note) of the facial nerve, total symmetrical weakness of the facial muscles and trophic disorders in the facial area. As a result of the doctor’s mistakes, Yulia’s face actually became skeletonized. When the girl first saw herself in the mirror after the operation, she simply could not believe that it was her. She completely lost her facial expressions; Tarasevich literally could not close her eyes and mouth. The girl even had to sleep with tapes to cover her eyelids.

Then the plastic surgeon said that the reason for everything was Yulia’s rare disease, which, in his opinion, she knew about. At that moment, the girl was in such shock that she did not argue with the doctor. Although she never had the diagnosis that Komarov spoke about. Yulia had to go through many procedures and examinations to prove that the cause of such consequences was not the disease, but the incompetence of the surgeon.

After the operation, the clinic refused to admit guilt and compensate the victim for damages. Tarasevich went to court, the proceedings lasted several years. The size of Yulia’s demands was reduced several times; the girl and her team of lawyers asked for 350 thousand dollars in compensation, but the amount was reduced to 50 thousand dollars, and then even less.

On March 27, the court made a decision that can safely be called acquittal. Julia will receive only a small compensation of 20 thousand dollars, and the doctor who mutilated her escaped punishment. The girl’s lawyer, Sergei Bronitsky, explained the court’s decision to “He was given a restriction of freedom for 3 years, but the sentence did not come into force. Komarov was released due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. This happened due to requalification of materials

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