Why are some monkeys "knitted" and imprisoned in India? (5 photos)

2 July 2024

India is a country with a large pantheon of gods. A special place is occupied by monkeys, descendants of the god Hanuman. They are revered and loved in this country. A typical Indian picture: on a hot afternoon, monkeys hang on tree branches and watch people passing by, lazily running their fingers through the fur of their relatives in search of insects.

According to an ancient legend, one day a monkey stole mangoes from the garden of a mythical giant to bring them as a gift to a man. They wanted to execute her for theft by burning her at the stake, but she was able to extinguish the flame. Only his hands and face were burned, which remained black forever.

Today, the sacred animal in India is treated kindly by the local population. The monkeys are fed and given water. Causing any harm to these animals is strictly prohibited. But still, we should not forget that monkeys are quite capricious and hooligan creatures, and sometimes behave in such a way that it is better to stay away from them. Especially tourists who are not aware of their agility and impudence.

In one of the Indian cities there was a whole criminal group of crabeater monkeys. I couldn’t save myself for six months from their predatory attacks. A crowd of impudent animals stole food, could enter the house and cause a real demolition in it, simultaneously taking out everything that was in bad shape.

What is the reason for such robberies? Spoiledness and lack of any punishment. After all, there is an Indian law - not to harm or beat sacred animals under any circumstances. Killing a primate is considered a great sin.

Therefore, the monkeys behave completely freely and do what they want: in whole flocks they enter stores, rob tourists and local residents, ruin local farmers, destroying crops. And sometimes they even attack simply to cause mischief due to their mischievous nature.

Therefore, in order to avoid karmic punishment, the Indian government came up with a way to deal with especially dangerous criminals - monkeys are “arrested”.

Having caught a violator of public order at the scene of a crime, for example, stealing food, the monkey is literally “knitted”. That is, they tie her hands and feet with ropes and leave her to sit alone and reflect on her actions. Then she is put in a cage and taken around the city so that those who suffered from her playful paws can see the arrested woman and shout in approval after her.

Perhaps this is too cruel a method. But in fact, it does not cause physical harm to the animal. In addition, before an amnesty is granted to the violator, he is examined by a veterinarian. Therefore, even an arrest is beneficial to the health of the hooligan.

This measure cannot be dispensed with, since the raging primates, if they are not controlled and educational measures are not applied, will leave no stone unturned in the city. However, for tourists such “mask shows” look very funny! Of course, such criminals are caught and tied up!

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