How girls in Bangladesh stopped being virgins (5 photos)

10 April 2024

This happened quite recently, but on a massive scale. This is because the High Court of Bangladesh has allowed “unmarried” rather than “virgin” to be written in front of the bride’s name on a Muslim marriage certificate. Well, thanks to him for that.

This is a very famous photo where she is 15 and he is 32

What did the evidence look like before?

According to the logic of marriage, a girl must be innocent and confirm her innocence, therefore it was considered normal to write “virgin” on the certificate.

But in 2019, the government finally realized that getting into bed with girls is not very ethical, even if you have a very religious country.

Because religiosity should not go against human dignity. Therefore, now, even if the girl-bride is truly innocent, it is impossible to write about this in the certificate.

radicals are dissatisfied, but they are always dissatisfied with something

Now they write “unmarried”, and this is actually a big breakthrough!

What is kumari

There is a very interesting term in South Asia - this is kumari (virgin, innocent, this is the whole concept of an “uncorrupted” woman). And kumari “costs” more, because its divine integrity is untarnished.

And before, on the marriage certificate you could write three statuses of who you would marry: kumari (pure), divorced or widow.

Well, since she signs herself, that means she knows how to write, that’s good.

Now countries are starting to abandon the archaic kumari in favor of the drier and more modern “unmarried”. This is how it happened that a million girls fell asleep one evening in the status of an innocent kumari, and woke up simply unmarried.

This, of course, is a small thing, but in fact, such little things form a shift in consciousness. That other people should not know whether a woman has pleura between her legs or not is none of their business. And that this should not be shown anywhere other than her gynecological chart.

How to write nImarried or unmarried!? Write widow!

Second Amendment

The most curious thing is that now the groom must also enter his status into the papers! Previously, only a woman had to write that a widow or divorcee was getting married. Now a man must also indicate his status - unmarried, divorced, widower. This is truly a big step towards equal rights.

Bangladesh, by the way, like Indonesia, is a country where brides wear makeup for their wedding so that they are unrecognizable. You can even bring a fake bride and marry her off, no one will know.

Well, just one face!

They use cosmetics to whiten their skin, change the shape of their lips and eyes, and are impossible to recognize in photographs. Previously, because few photographs were taken and I wanted to be the most beautiful on this day. And now it’s a tradition.

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