The lip has changed forever: a woman after a visit to the dentist does not recognize herself in the mirror (5 photos)

13 June 2024

Claire Shorrock was hospitalized for one night and then forced to wear a mask at home to prevent children from being frightened by her deformed face.

Teaching assistant Claire Shorrock, from Fulwood, Lancashire, UK, said her face became swollen and "permanently disfigured" after visiting the dentist for root canal treatment. The woman was hospitalized in very serious condition.

It turned out that the dentist forgot to put a prophylactic mouth guard in the mouth of a 55-year-old patient before starting the procedure. This caused sodium hypochlorite (a type of bleach) to go directly into her oral tissues.

“As soon as the dentist started drilling the tooth, I felt an unbearable smell of this substance, as well as a throbbing pain in my face. When I started screaming loudly in pain, the dentist thought it was anaphylactic shock and called an ambulance,” says Claire.

The British woman was hospitalized for one night and then forced to wear a mask at home so that children would not be frightened by her deformed face. Subsequently, the swelling decreased and the infection went away, but the woman noticed irreversible changes in her appearance.

“My lip and speech have changed a lot. In addition, I have faced numerous dental problems caused by mistakes by the dentist, in particular, I have lost several teeth and need implants. I still have nightmares about what I experienced in that hospital,” admits Clare.

After the patient went to court, the dentist was ordered to pay her compensation in the amount of £14,500.

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