“Burn it”: a family who picked up a strange infection while on vacation in Bali was asked not to return to the Russian Federation (2 photos + 1 video)

13 June 2024

The body of the adults and the child was covered with blisters and ulcers. Since local doctors were unable to help the tourists, they decided to return to their homeland.

The tropics are not only beautiful nature and delicious fruits, but also a ton of little-studied diseases. While traveling around Indonesia, Anastasia Novikova’s family suddenly picked up some strange crap. The bodies of the parents and their young child were covered with blisters and ulcers. The Russians turned to local doctors - they prescribed antibiotics and ointments, but despite careful treatment, they did not feel better.


The whole picture is similar to the chickenpox virus, but the doctors were not sure that it was it and made a preliminary diagnosis of streptoderma. The family was ordered not to bathe for two weeks, and in tropical conditions this is quite a test.

However, neither treatment nor compliance with all kinds of recommendations produced results.

“The only thing that helped us was a solution for skin regeneration. It was not on the island, we found it completely by accident through chats - one Russian girl brought it with her and gave it to us. But it ran out very quickly,” says Novikova

The head of the family, Andrey, was the first to catch the infection, followed by the child, and the last was Anastasia. She was the lucky one; there wasn't much rash on her body.

According to the girl, doctors suggested that Andrei could have become infected due to a weakened immune system.

“We were told that there could be many reasons. This could happen due to dirty hands and fruits, or appear in itself due to a decrease in immunity,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication quotes the girl.

Anastasia Novikova, together with her husband and son, flew to warmer climes on March 30, and returned on May 29. The girl says that she received a ton of hate on social networks: subscribers were indignant that the blogger decided to return home with an unknown infection and even suggested burning the child, who was covered in a rash. Anastasia’s family is going to the doctors in the near future, and the girl advises other tourists going to warmer regions to vacation to be careful and not get sick.

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