A daughter-in-law poisoned her entire family with Christmas cake (4 photos)

23 March 2025

How nice it is to gather the whole family for the holidays, sit at a delicious table, and if you are lucky, survive after that. And I am not talking about the abundance of snacks and drinks.

A story worthy of a film adaptation took place in Torres, a small seaside town in the south of Brazil, on the eve of this Christmas (they celebrate it there on December 25). Daisy Moura was married to the son of 61-year-old Zelie dos Anjos for almost 20 years, but even after so many years, the women did not find a common language. She was also unlucky with her father-in-law, who did not want to put up with his son's choice. According to neighbors, the family had a "very harmonious" relationship, but with long-standing "disagreements."

Daisy Moura

Her father-in-law, however, died six months ago, he ate something wrong, well, it happens to everyone. In short, this time there were 7 people at the festive table. The mother-in-law, her two sisters, the daughter of one of them with her husband and 10-year-old son.

In honor of the holiday, Daisy baked a cake. By the way, it looks pretty, doesn't it?

The relatives appreciated and tried the pastries, everyone except the man, well, he didn't like sweets. Everyone noted that the taste was strange and unpleasant, and then everyone collectively felt ill. They called an ambulance, everyone was urgently hospitalized. A few hours later it became clear that only the mother-in-law and the boy survived. And the cause turned out to be quite interesting - arsenic.

The victim with the lowest arsenic levels still had 80 times the legal limit for arsenic in food, while the victim with the highest levels had 350 times the legal limit.

Women who died from arsenic poisoning, with the surviving mother-in-law in the square

They said that analysis of the samples showed that the highest amount of arsenic found in the flour used to make the cake was 2,700 times the legal limit, leading experts to conclude that they were definitely poisoned intentionally.

Daisy Moura was arrested, she denies her guilt, saying that the flour was simply expired. We readily believe it.

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