Unique Siamese twins were separated in India (3 photo)
Do you like horror movies about mutants? How about this real story about a boy from India, which is scarier than many horror movies, if only because it happened in reality.
So, pregnancy is very difficult, especially if the mother has two embryos in her belly. But the heroes of this article were incredibly unlucky. The thing is that one of the embryos simply grew into the other. What was born was, to put it mildly, not very good.
From the body of one normally formed baby, his brother grew, or rather his lower half weighing 15 kg. And it was sticking out of the chest. The "parasite" and the "host" were connected by a common nervous and circulatory system, as well as deformed pelvic bones that had fused with the ribs.
Science knows of less than 50 such cases. Usually, the survival rate for such children is not high, and the operations are performed in infancy.
Since the family was not able to immediately pay for the operation of the newborn baby, the boy continued to live in the dubious company of his brother. How he lived to be 17 remains a big mystery. The boy experienced sensations, including touch, pain and temperature in the parasitic limb. Despite occasional abdominal discomfort, he maintained normal bodily functions without any serious health complications.
But his unique case caught the attention of surgeons at AIIMS, who agreed to perform a unique operation. Despite all the risks, the 2.5-hour operation was successful, the twin parasite was removed, all the points of fusion of the two organisms were carefully sutured, and the patient fully recovered. Now his quality of life will improve dramatically. But he was left without a brother. If, of course, he could be called one.