A 27-year-old American blogger who advocated body positivity died after dinner at a restaurant (7 photos)

23 March 2025

She had almost 7 million subscribers, to whom she promoted the idea of ​​"self-acceptance."

Carol Acosta or Killadamente.

At the age of 12, she came to the States with her family. As a child, she was often teased for her weight, and over time, she began to champion body positivity and self-acceptance. She wrote a song about this, “I Love Myself and I Don’t Care.” It had the following lyrics:

I’m different, and they call me Killadamente. Even if I fall, I suddenly get up again.

I’m brave, I’m a little arrogant. I take care of myself a lot, because I’m someone who knows how to stand up for herself.

She became very popular in the US, 6.6 million people subscribed to her social network - people vied with each other to praise Carol's body positivity and her attitude to life.

Along the way, the girl gave birth to two children, gave up drugs and became religious. Carol wrote about this just a month ago:

I repented, I died, I was born again. And my brothers and sisters, now I am proudly free from sin. God has forgiven me, and it feels so good to be free of the anxiety and depression that used to make me take drugs and do things I didn't want to do.

And on January 3, Acosta was having dinner with relatives at a restaurant in New York and began to choke. An ambulance took her to the hospital, but they couldn't save her and the girl died. The cause of death is still unclear.

Just one day before her death, Carol told her followers:

I always thought God had his favorites because there are people who eat and don't get fat. But if you look at me properly, you're telling me, a person who doesn't have hair extensions and hasn't had any plastic surgery, when I look like this! I'm on that list of favorites, and no one is going to convince me otherwise.

Now her family is raising money for her funeral and awaiting the autopsy results:

She helped thousands of people with her work at a young age, but this time we are uniting and asking for your help in giving her the farewell she deserves.

If it is in your power, we would appreciate any contribution, no matter how small, to help pay for her funeral expenses, they said.

Carol was 27 years old.

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