The man fell under the wheels of a bus and survived

Category: Horrible video
20 July 2024

In Singapore, a man stood up on his own after being hit and run over by a bus. The disturbing moment was caught on video

In Singapore, a 33-year-old road worker was involved in an accident that nearly took his life. On the evening of June 27, a man wearing a green fluorescent vest and a construction helmet was placing traffic cones in the bus lane. As he walked back to the work site near the bus stop, a bus turned the corner and ran over him. The man who was hit fell under the wheels, one of which ran over him. For several more seconds he remained under the bottom of the vehicle, barely managing to dodge the rear wheels. The bus stopped a few meters from the lying worker.

The man got up on his own and walked to the sidewalk. At the same time, he held his back and grabbed the fence to straighten up. The worker was quickly taken to the hospital; his condition is not known. The 48-year-old driver was suspended pending an investigation.

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