The harshest summer camp for children was discovered in China (2 photos + 1 video)
In such camps, children are taught discipline and love for the Motherland.
A video from a children's camp called Chuang Shi Mo Xun, which can be roughly translated as "Training the Devil of Being", has caused a mixed reaction. In the video, a man in military uniform drags an 11-year-old child with his hands tied behind his back along a canal, periodically dips him in the water and demands that he swim faster.
However, as the camp management said, there is nothing special about the training. If children are afraid to dive into the water, they will be immersed in it. As for the child who was caught on video, he turned out to be the most timid, so they had to work with him to remove "psychological barriers" and practice swimming. Why in this case they tied his hands behind his back, the camp did not specify.
As the director of the camp noted, parents are aware of how their children spend their time - they are shown recordings of their pastime. And the parents do not mind - they want their children to develop a strong character, willpower, discipline and good habits. Some of them specifically send their children there who are afraid of water. It is noted that in addition to playing Mumu, children go jogging every day, take laundry lessons, and also listen to lectures on how to be grateful to mothers.
As for training with children immersing themselves in water, the camp director noted that the schoolchildren are not in any danger - the channel is not deep and the water is spring water.
“The depth of the pool is 90 centimeters, so when we stand, the water reaches our waist, which prevents the risk of drowning or suffocation. Our pool is disinfected and filled with clean water from good sources,” he noted.

Chuang Shi Mo Xun has been operating since 2018, 600 schoolchildren pass through it every year, the cost of stay is from 2000 to 7000 yuan. By Chinese standards, 600 children is an insignificant number. But such a militarized children's camp in the PRC, as it turns out, is far from the only one. They are quite popular in China, this is obviously due to the negative impact of gadgets, the Internet and other modern technologies on children.
“Is your child addicted to mobile phones, easily distracted, unwilling to study and disrespectful to elders? Come, and we will make your child more independent and grateful,” says the announcement of one of these camps.
The South China Vorning Post notes that a 13-year-old boy died in one of the training camps in 2018. There are also videos where many of the "hothouse" campers are crying from the unbearable conditions. Therefore, such institutions are criticized time and again. Chinese psychotherapist Ma Li, for example, says that such training is not suitable for all children. Some will indeed be made stronger, but others will be broken, leaving psychological trauma.