In Russia, a girl accidentally set fire to an apartment during an exorcism ritual (2 photos + 3 videos)
Category: Terrible (all news), News from the world
27 May 2024
But something else surprised eyewitnesses: a child who was calmly riding on a swing, not paying the slightest attention to the fire. Lyubertsy are so harsh that...
Late in the evening of May 13 in a house on the street. A fire started in Lyubertsy. According to eyewitnesses, the culprit was the girl Yulia. She screamed that the house was built incorrectly and demons had settled in it.
Apparently, while performing an exorcism ritual (or maybe being in an altered consciousness), Yulia somehow set fire to her apartment, after which she calmly left her home and sat down with a book on a bench nearby.

Neighbors called firefighters. Because the girl behaved inappropriately, doctors had to be invited to help her, who quickly took the pyromaniac away so that she would not interfere with putting out the fire.
But the special attention of eyewitnesses was attracted by a child calmly swinging on a swing against the backdrop of a burning apartment.
Lyubertsy has its own atmosphere...