The Russian champion in roller sports crashed to death at a competition in the Zhest club (2 photos + 1 video)

9 April 2024

He was taken to the hospital in critical condition, but they could not save him.

Roman Bogrets is a 36-year-old national skatecross champion and coach of the Skate Town roller school. He was one of the most famous athletes in this discipline: he actively promoted roller skating and taught children.

Roman Bogrets

He competed at a roller cross tournament in the St. Petersburg club "Tin" and received fatal injuries right at the start. Roman lost control and flew into a concrete structure at high speed. As a result, he received a severe head injury and broken ribs. He was taken to the hospital in a state of clinical death.

Despite all the efforts of the doctors, the athlete died without regaining consciousness.

The video shows the moment the athlete fell. And a short excerpt before the fatal injury. It shows that Roman fell before this, so now many have questions: either the roller skater was clearly out of shape and should not have competed at all, or the track surface did not meet the standards. Or maybe a tragic accident occurred and the athlete’s leg went bad, although this is strange if we are talking about the Russian champion. Experts will already understand this. Bogretsa.

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