In the USA, a policeman mixed up the apartments and opened fire on an Air Force pilot (2 photos + 2 videos)

27 May 2024

The soldier died from his injuries in the hospital.

In Florida, a sheriff's deputy responded to a call. He was informed that there was a row and swearing in one of the apartments of the residential complex, so the policeman went to investigate.

He approached the apartment and knocked - no one answered. Then he drummed on the door again and ordered it to be opened. Soon it swung open and 23-year-old black senior US Air Force pilot Roger Fortson appeared on the threshold.

The policeman told him to move away and almost instantly shot him. Then he shouted “Drop your weapon!”, and the pilot replied that he was not there. Although in his hand he definitely had some kind of object that looked like a pistol.

Fortson was taken to the hospital, where he died. The policeman was temporarily suspended from duty. The case is now being investigated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the District Attorney's Office. Okaloosa County Sheriff Eric Aden said he was "saddened" by the shooting.

Relatives of the deceased are suing the police and claiming that the officer had the wrong door - the pilot was alone in the apartment and did not make any noise. Their statement said they were "adamant that police were in the wrong apartment." Their second complaint is that the policeman should have ordered them to drop their weapons and then shoot.

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